A Note  From  Our Pastor

I welcome you to the First UPC of McHenry!  An established assembly that loves the Lord and His word. As loving the Lord includes loving people, you will find a warm and welcoming group, making it feel like home on your very first visit. Jesus Christ proclaimed He would build His church, a church that the very gates of hell cannot prevail against, knowing that we need spiritually fed on a regular basis, knowing that we need a network of strength and support, knowing that we need to gather in worship and in praise. We are not here to entertain or to put on a good show. We are an imperfect people that are here to worship a perfect God with all of our hearts, here to reach for every soul with the precious message of His gospel salvation. The joy of His peace is something that should be shared and spread abroad. The Pentecostals of McHenry invite you to come worship with us this Sunday!

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